

Glassique Quilts is the brainchild of artist Deb Davenport, who has a long history of being creative. Initially starting out at craft shows making soft sculpture, and then diving into the world of quilting really helped her develop and grow as an artist. When she took her first stained glass class at a local glass store it struck a chord, and armed with only some basic tools and resources, she went glass and hasn't looked back since!

Her journey into the world of glass is ever-changing, and she learns something new everyday. Drawing inspiration from the world around her, quilting block patterns, and personal experiences, she works to bring a little bit of beauty, light, and happiness into her pieces.

Artwork always has a dual purpose, whether it functions as a dazzling light piece, mirror, or sturdy storage space, you can be sure that it becomes an integral and stunning piece in your home that will last for generations.