Saturday 10-5, and Sunday 12-5
Glassique Quilts will be located in Booth 217, near Waynesboro City Hall.
Join us as we turn the streets of downtown Waynesboro into an outdoor fine art festival for the weekend! 150 fine artists and artisans will showcase their works including painting, printmaking, wood, pottery, glass, jewelry, sculpture and more. These artists are hand selected by our standards committee to bring high quality arts and craft to this two day outdoor fine art festival.
We also feature gourmet food trucks, craft beer, and great local music.
Mark your calendar for the 46th Annual Fall Foliage Art Show!
Bring your spare change with you! Shenandoah Valley Art Center is challenging visitors to help us fill up three huge containers of change to help us bring the 416 Studio project to life. A little change makes a BIG impact! Jars will be at SVAC, in the Food Court, and at the Information Booth.